About us


Institute KON-CERT Maribor

Institute KON-CERT Maribor is the leading certification body in the field of agriculture in Slovenia.

The Institute inspects over 75% of all clients involved in various agricultural certification schemes in Slovenia.

Within the Inspection and Certification Department, which includes the Unit for Organic Agriculture, the Unit for Organic Processing and the Unit for Quality Schemes, we are active in inspection in certification of organic farming, organic processing, trade and import, protected agricultural products and foodstuffs, integrated production, national quality scheme Selected Quality Slovenia.

Through the Marketing Activity Unit we offer inspection and certification of private non-accredited quality schemes (organic cosmetics, organic cleaning products, organic textiles, vegan products and organic ornamental plants).

We are accredited by the Slovenian Accreditation for the following schemes: organic farming, organic processing and protected agricultural products and foodstuffs.

Vision of the Institute KON-CERT Maribor

Our vision is to remain the leading certification body in Slovenia in the field of certification of organic production and processing of agricultural products and foodstuffs, to increase the scope of certification of the “selected quality” scheme, to increase the number of protected agricultural products and foods and to expand certification activities to additional foreign and domestic private standards.

Company information

Company profile

Inštitut za kontrolo in certifikacijo v kmetijstvu in gozdarstvu Maribor
Short name
Inštitut KON-CERT Maribor
English translation
Institute for inspection and certification in agriculture and in silviculture Maribor
Vinarska ulica 14, 2000 Maribor
+386 (0)2 228 49 52
+386 (0)2 251 94 82
Robert Rojko
Registration number
VAT identification number
Bank account
SI56 6100 0000 4517 346
The activity code
71.200, 72.190, 82.300, 85.590, 58.110, 58.140, 58.190, 02.400
The number of the insert
1/12392/00 pri okrožnem sodišču v Mariboru

A brief history

Milestones of the Institute KON-CERT Maribor

Within the framework of the CRP (1997-2000) Integrated vegetable production, the inspection of integrated vegetable production was established at the former Agricultural Institute Maribor. With the help of the Phare CBC funds in 1997 the Department for the Inspection of Organic Agriculture started its activities. In 1998, the first initial organic course was conducted and the first 13 farms in Slovenia were inspected.
The Department for the Inspection of Organic Agriculture and the Department for the Inspection of Integrated Production were appointed as the organizations for the inspection by the MAFF.
On March 29th 2005, the newly established Institute for Inspection and Certification in Agriculture and in Silviculture Maribor took over the tasks of the certififaction body for integrated production and organic farming. The establishment of the new Institute was necessary to ensure the independence of the certification body. In the same year, we started on-the-spot checks on direct payments before disbursements for CAP measures.
On 2 December 2007, the Slovenian Accreditation awarded the first accreditation document to the Institute KON-CERT Maribor, which recognized the Institute's competence to perform the following activities: certification of integrated production of grapes, fruit, vegetables and crops and certification of organic production and processing of agricultural products. foods according to the standard SIST EN 45011: 1998.
The Institute offers GLOBALG.A.P inspection and certification with the foreign partner for the first time.
On 30 December 2009, the Slovenian Accreditation recognized the Institute's competence to perform certification of protected agricultural products and foodstuffs.
In the field of GLOBALG.A.P. inspection and certification we offered the new scope Poultry.
2011 - 2013
On 2 July 2013, the Institute was recognized by the Slovenian Accreditation for the certification of sustainable forest management processes under the PEFC scheme. At the end of 2012, the first private scheme for cosmetics was published, and in 2013 we published a private standard for organic cultivation of ornamental plants.
We expanded the scope of certification activities to new non-food schemes (organic textiles and leather).
The newly created Unit for Quality Schemes opens the possibility of expanding the certification activity to new national schemes.
We extended our certification activity to certification of the "SELECTED QUALITY" national scheme for cattle and poultry meat and for milk and milk products.
Taking into account the trend of consumers towards a vegan diet, we have prepared a new private standard for vegan products. The Selected Quality scheme experienced a major upsurge.
The Institute completed 20 years of successful operation. Certification of sustainable forest management PEFC has been concluded.
In its 21 years of operation, the Institute has awarded a total of around 80 000 certificates and maintained its leading position among certification bodies in Slovenia.
On April 1st 2020, the new director Robert ROJKO took over the management of the Institute.
The Institute continued with the optimization of work procedures and documentation in the direction of preparation for digitalization of all inspection and certification procedures.